
Search Results for "Events-in-Kigali" (4406 articles)
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Survivors’ stories vital in preserving history

The New Times

Auntie’s corner

The New Times

Auntie’s corner

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Rwanda commemorates

RPF Secretary General, Francois Ngarambe (R) with the visiting Secretary General of Tanzaniau2019s ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party, Wilson Mukama, tour the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre yesterday. The New Times / J. Mbanda.

Rwanda commemorates

Participants ate the conference on Genocide in Kigali yesterday. The New Times / Timothy Gisambira.

Fighting Genocide denial

Parents have the responsibility to protect what their children view on television, or watch at concerts. Net photo

Parental Guidance should be taken seriously

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Silence is not an option in the wake of violence

DIFFERING VIEWS: Rwandan Prosecutor General Martin Ngoga (L) and ICTR Spokesperson Roland Amoussounga.  The New Times / File.

Why Rwanda wants ICTR convicts

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Massive crowd at roof top party

Eddie Mico

Gospel music is my life

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KHI guild polls annulled