
Search Results for "decision-making" (4519 articles)
The New Times

Is poverty the main cause of GBV?

The New Times

Nobel Peace Prize: Was it really about women empowerment?

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Paving the path to sustainable value creation

The New Times

Teachers for Gender Equality

The New Times

I hate people who…

The New Times

Amazing university news

 Karine Rusaro one of the Rwandan youth delegates who will attend at the United Nations General Assembly Youth Delegates Progam in New York . The New Times /Courtesy

Rwandan youth ready for UN meet

The New Times

Beware of Jackie Chan

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Media entities and corruption!

a manager guiding his team

Business Perspective: Business acumen skills important

Hajji Hamuza was innitially afraid of starting his own business. The New Times/S. Rwembeho.

When its time to quit that job

The New Times

How to Prevent a Depression