Search Results for "LEGISLATIVE-ELECTIONS" (351 articles)
Prof. Karangwa.

EALA aspirants list delayed

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Burundi vice president resigns

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Electoral Commission to name EALA candidates

BRIGHT FUTURE: Musoni and Speaker Alfred Mukezamfura at Parliamentary Buildings on Monday after the former preseented 2008 budget proposals. (Photo/ G. Barya)

2008 budget predicts more than seven percent growth

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EALA bill sails through both House chambers

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New MPs: Who is who

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Handicapped to receive representation

Ntamabyariro (L) and an official from the Advocates Without Borders outside court on Monday. (Photo/J. Mbanda)

House closes door

Claire Kayirangwa of Peopleu2019s Union for Democracy

Another MP resigns

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2 MPs resign


PL wrangles litmus test for the Electoral Commission

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Media supportive in combating corruption