
Search Results for "Comedians" (413 articles)
The New Times

Caught on lens

Anne Kansiime entertains the crowd by tossing good-natured jokes at members of the audience.

Comedy Kings and ‘Queen’ Kansiime rock Kigali

David Ndahiro.  Net photo.

Weekend Proggie

Anne Kansiime.. Net photo.

‘Come with pain killers’– Anne Kansiime

 Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Use your communication skills to market yourself

The New Times

Comedy kings come to town

The New Times

Places to go:Micha’s Bistro and Café


Kenyan comedian nominated for UK Award

Tona host DundaStar 2 Rainbow.

Weekend Proggie

no image

What is the colour of love?

The New Times

Weekend Proggie

The New Times

Weekend Proggie