
Search Results for "Government-of-Rwanda" (41178 articles)
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Employee Satisfaction key to Economic Growth-Research

Governor Francois Kanimba(File Photo)

Business round up

Kigali Institute of Education held its 6th Graduation on Thursday. (Photo J Mbanda)

Weekly review

Some of the people with disabilities during a recent function at Petite Stade (Photo J Mbanda)

Disabled groups discuss legal framework

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure Marie Claire Mukasine (R) greets Kenya Revenue Authority  Commissioner General, Michael Waweru as Eugene Torero looks on. (Photo J Mbanda)

Corruption affecting Northern Corridor trade

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure Marie Claire Mukasine (R) greets Kenya Revenue Authority  Commissioner General, Michael Waweru as Eugene Torero looks on. (Photo J Mbanda)

Corruption affecting Northern Corridor trade

Rwandau2019s Minister of Finance John Rwangombwa unveils the Bralirwa IPO as Robert Mathu the Executive Director of Capital Markets Advisory Council  looks on(File Photo )

BRALIRWA IPO sensitization goes to Western province

Dr Emmanuel Havugimana, the NUR Registrar (Photo P Ntambara)

NUR students to register on-line

The New Times

Ray of hope from 1000 hills

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Rwanda to host TVET symposium

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RIAM Boss released on bail

Mothers are fined Rwf5000 for not giving birth at a medical clinic or Health Centre.

Safe childbirths is the norm in Rwanda