
Search Results for "Government-of-Rwanda" (41178 articles)
Education Minister, Charles Murigande (C) talks to the Principal of Nyanza Vocational Training Centre (Kavumu), Gideon Rudahunga (L), and Workforce Development Authority Chairman, John Bideri, at the opening of the TVET Symposium on Monday. (Photo J Mband

TVET key to dev’t - experts

Ombdsman Tito Rutaremara believes corruption my be history in the country (File Photo)

A corruption-free society is achievable - Ombudsman

Education Minister, Charles Murigande (C) talks to the Principal of Nyanza Vocational Training Centre (Kavumu), Gideon Rudahunga (L), and Workforce Development Authority Chairman, John Bideri, at the opening of the TVET Symposium on Monday. (Photo J Mband

TVET key to dev’t - experts

State Minister for Energy and Water Eng. Coletha Ruhamya addressing participants at the Regional Geothermal training workshop yesterday (Courtesy Photo)

Gov’t to prioritize geothermal energy

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BK’s model should inspire other banks

The New Times

It’s time South Africa ceased to bury its head in the sand

US Ambassador Stuart Symington addressing the Beneficiaries. (courtesy Photo)

US embassy boosts local cooperatives

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Africans dominate Mumbai Symposium

Elias Twagira the Director of Planning at RTDA at the meeting in Mwanza (Photo G Muramira)

River Akagera navigation to ease EAC transport costs

Kicukiro Mayor Paul Jules Ndamage (C) flanked by KBS Managing Director Brendan Maguire and the Company CEO Charles Ngarambe (L) launching the new buses. (Photo J Mbanda)

KBS ushers in 20 new buses

Women attending the FFRP meeting yesterday. NEC has called for their participation in grassroot elections (Photo J Mbanda)

NEC encourages women to vie for local leadership

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Bruguière is no more