
Search Results for "gasabo-district" (3816 articles)
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Thugs rob Catholic nun

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Craftsmen receive ICT skills

The deceased, John  Rutayisire

Bourbon Coffee finance manager killed

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RISD launches campaign to sensitize mediators

The Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Jeanne d`Arc Gakuba (in green) with residents of Kinyinya Sector, taking part in tree planting excercise (Photo G.Mugoya)

City takes hygiene campaign to Kinyinya, Gatsata

L-R Her Execellency Mrs Kagame, Mr. Aigboje, Dr. Akudo, Minister Musa Fazil, Dr. Aisa Kirabo just before tree planting excercise at Kacyiru Police hospital (Courtesy photo)

Weekly review

The mayor of Kigali City, Aisah Kirabo planted trees in Nyamirambo.

Tree planting fever sweeps across Rwanda

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Drugs and illicit brew worth Rwf2m destroyed

Kigali City Mayor Aisa Kirabo Kacyira (3rd left) being conducted around Kacyiru Mosque by Islamic leaders yesterday. (Photo: J. Mbanda)

Muslim community join City cleanup campaign

Kigali City Mayor Aisa Kirabo Kacyira (3rd left) being conducted around Kacyiru Mosque by Islamic leaders yesterday. (Photo: J. Mbanda)

Muslim community join City cleanup campaign

Tigo officials joined by an RDF officer during the tree planting exercise on Monday (Courtsey Photo)

Tigo Rwanda in tree planting exercise

Defence Minister James Kabarebe participating in a tree-planting exercise in Kami yesterday (Courtsey Photo)

RDF plants 15,000 trees