
Search Results for "UN-Security-Council" (3636 articles)
President Kagame attending the 2011 World Development Report Advisory Council  in Washington DC. He has accepted an invitation to become a member of the council. (Photo/ L. Gahima)

Kagame named member of 2011 WB Advisory Council

The New Times

Now is Our Time

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Drama in New York

The New Times

Gaddaffi’s address to the UN made some valid points

Sayinzoga Kampeta, the Director of Macroeconomic Policy Unit at the Ministry if Finance speaks as Clare Akamanzi look on. (Photo J. Mbanda)

IFC to develop a regional trade logistics programme

Adressing the UN General Assembly, New York.

UN General Assembly: Key issues

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Why the U.S. Needs Africa

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Ndahimana fate still unknown

The New Times

American Power in the Twenty-First Century

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ICTR Arusha - now a tourist attraction?

WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Owing to limited capital and family responsibilities most women have found it hard to expand their businesses.

Scuffles as women storm solidarity camp

An undated photo of the reclusive North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Il

North Korea: No more Mr. Nice Guy, once Again