
Search Results for "Commemoration" (3410 articles)
L-R:Prime Minister Bernard Makuza and wife arrive at Gisozi.; Ambassador Ntwari, Ms Raymon and Mr Du2019aes (Director in charge of sub-saharian africa in the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ivo Goemans, Belgiumu2019s envoy to Rwanda; William Kayonga, Rwan

17th Commemoration

L-R; Chief Justice Aloysie Cyanzayire, EALA Speaker Abdirahin  Abdi ,  Senate President Vincent Biruta and CNLGu2019s Jean de Dieu Mucyo at the Stadium..

17th Commemoration

Local musician, Kizito Mihigo singing at the Stadium

17th Commemoration

Many cases of trauma were recorded during the commemoration

17th Commemoration

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17th Commemoration

Government officials ad diplomats pay their respects at Gisozi

17th Commemoration

Kenyau2019s acting Foreign Minister Prof George Saitoti (c) lights a candle of hope. High Commissioner William Kayonga is extreme left (Courtsey Photo)

Rwandans in Kenya honour Genocide victims

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Obama joins Rwandans in commemoration

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Obama joins Rwandans in commemoration

Kenyau2019s acting Foreign Minister Prof George Saitoti (c) lights a candle of hope. High Commissioner William Kayonga is extreme left (Courtsey Photo)

Rwandans in Kenya honour Genocide victims

President Kagame lights the flame at Gisozi GenocideMemorial site yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

The Rwandan spirit has prevailed – Kagame

President Kagame lights the flame at Gisozi GenocideMemorial site yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

The Rwandan spirit has prevailed – Kagame