
Search Results for "Rwanda-Cabinet" (3150 articles)
A past graduation ceremony. The New Times / File.

2011; Defining moments in the education sector

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Spirit of media self-regulation still intact – Musoni

Rwandau2019s youngster Moise Habumugisha (L) makes a run for it during the Hong Kong 10s

Rwanda Rugby in 2011

Newspaper vendors in Kigali. Parliamentarians are discussing media bills aimed at streamlining the profession. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Parliament resumes scrutiny of media law

Justice Minister and Attorney General, Tharcisse Karugurama

MPs block Karugarama’s amendments

L-R: Brig. Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura, Sellas Tetteh, Eric Kalisa Salongo

Hoping for better 2012

Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi attended President Joseph Kabilau2019s swearing in ceremony in Kinshasa.  The New Times / File..

Weekly Review

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TTC curricula to be revised

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Gov’t vows to eliminate causes of malnutrition within six months

Doctors carryout an operation at KFH. The approval of organic transplant has been welcomed by medics countrywide. The New Times / File.

Medics welcome Govt’s approval of organ transplants

Education minister, Dr Vincent Biruta. The New Times/File

Public varsities to merge

Delegates at the RPF General Asembly in Kigali yesterday. The New Times / J. Mbanda

RPF’s target is wealth creation, says Kagame