Search Results for "JOB-CREATION" (1984 articles)
ENROUTE: Government officials heading to the 9th Leadership Retreat in Gako, Bugesera District. The Sunday Times / John Mbanda.

Retreat a key platform to seek solutions, say Ministers

Alfred Gusenbauer

Can Europe be saved?

A worker in a tea factory.  IPAR finds the current approach on job creation wanting.  The New Times / File.

IPAR’s pointers for retreat

Minister Protais Musoni addressing journalists yesterday.

Leadership retreat to focus on poverty reduction, job creation

Yuriko Koike

Japan’s Rubble Economy

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Entrepreneurship way forward for youth

Howard Davies

Grit is Good

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WB to resume funding in Madagascar

The Minister for Youth, Jean Philbert Nsengimana (R), hands a certificate to Jacky Ndayisenga, one of the graduands, yesterday.The New Times  / Timothy Kisambira

Minister urges youth to focus on entrepreneurship

Students in a practical physics lesson. Practical-oriented educational training is what creates a hands-on labour force.  The New Times / File.

Education for development

Students in a practical physics lesson. Practical-oriented educational training is what creates a hands-on labour force.  The New Times / File.

Education for development

 Nouriel Roubini

The Straits of America