
Search Results for "-Consultative-meeting" (19648 articles)
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President Kagame arrives in London

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President Kagame arrives in London

Jusuf Mugiraneza, Executive Secretary of the Eastern Province (R) during the meeting with JICA officials (Photo; S. Rwembeho)

JICA to set up Rwf 20b water project in Eastern province

President Kagame with the youth from Cu2019wealth countries at Urugwiro Village, yesterday (Photo Urugwiro Village)

Kagame hosts C’wealth youth

President Kagame with the youth from Cu2019wealth countries at Urugwiro Village, yesterday (Photo Urugwiro Village)

Kagame hosts C’wealth youth

A Kobil fuel stattion (Photo T. Kisambira)

Fuel prices drop

The New Times

How can we fulfil the Millennium Development Goals?

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Street children increase in Rusizi

Robert Ssali, the permanent Secretary in the ministry of EAC during an interview yesterday (Photo T.Kisambira)

Regional taskforce irons out EAC Protocol

Eugene Rwibasira the Executive Secretary and spokesperson of the Rwanda Civil Society Platform during the meeting yesterday

African civil societies meet in Kigali

High Court president Johnston Busingye

Judges reminded to stick to professionalism

Joachim Von Amsberg speaking to journalist after meeting President Kagame (Photo Urugwiro Village)

WB official impressed by Rwanda’s progress