
Search Results for "Heart-Disease" (1543 articles)
The New Times

HEALTH : Pregnancy and heart diseases

MAKING THE DAY WITH ACTION: People who turned up for heart checkups on the World Heart day yesterday. (Photo/ J. Mbanda).

Heart disease prevention is very vital - Sezibera

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Dealing with Swine flu

Dr Joseph Mucumbitsi the Chairman of Rwanda Heart Foundation (RHF) explains to MP Giovanni Renzaho about the foundation.

Heart Campaign goes to parliament

Individuals who eat more red meat and processed meat appear to have a modestly increased risk of death from all causes and also from cancer or heart disease.

The dangers of too much red meat

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Nutrition: Lower depression risk linked to Mediterranean diet

The New Times

HEALTH : Psychosomatic Disorders

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DIASPOMAN : How dented tins helped Béa economize better

The New Times

HEALTH : Congenital Heart Disease

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Fat Chance

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Dangers posed by smoking on women’s health

One of the Key facts: One-third of the 33 million people worldwide who are living with HIV/AIDS are co-infected with TB.

Tuberculosis and HIV