
Search Results for "-Ministry-for-Sports" (14078 articles)
Joseph Habineza

Minister urges customers to change their mind sets

 L-R :  Miss RTUC 2009,  Margaret Uwera , Minister of Sports and Culture, Joseph Habineza, and Mr. RTUC 2009 Marious Gasani. (Photo/ F. Goodman)

Mr. and Miss RTUC crowned

The New Times

It’s all very confusing!

The New Times

Rwandan sport needs Real Change

Ndayishimiye Jean Bosco aka DJ Bob


 RIP: Jeanne Kanyange

Pastor laid to rest

BACK IN THE FOLD: Patrick Mafisango (r)is part of the 15-man team that was named by Amavubi head coach Tucak Branko yesterday. (File Photo)

Branko summons 15

no image

Mr & Miss RTUC beauty contest today

Minister Joseph Habineza (L) shakes hands with Christine Tuyisenge as the commission Executive Secretary Jean de Dieu Mucyo looks on. (Photo/ J. Mbanda)

Avoid complacency, Habineza urges CNLG

The New Times

Inspectors give CAN green light to Angola

Women drumming is no longer a taboo in modern Rwanda.

Drumming the sound of success

How a waited handles the tray reflects on service quality.

Beyond service and care in a restaurant