
Search Results for "-Ministry-for-Sports" (14084 articles)
Menmbers of the Etincelles team that finished runners up to APR in the Primus League last season. In this file photo of the team was taken before a United We Stand tournament in August. (File photo)

Etincelles on massive shopping spree

First Lady, Mrs. Kagame embraces one of the orphans at Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, yesterday. (courtesy photo)

First Lady graces Umuganura Day

First Lady, Mrs. Kagame embraces one of the orphans at Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, yesterday. (courtesy photo)

First Lady graces Umuganura Day

Students march through Muhanga town to raise awareness on the MDGu2019s (Photo: D.Sabiiti)

Muhanga Students join MDG campaign

IOC Relations Department Manager, Jerome Poivey addressing members of the Olympic family yesterday at Milles Collines Hotel. (Photo; B. Mugabe)

IOC official calls for good governance

The New Times

Movie Review

Children love playing together because it is fun.

Be active and happy

Ntagwabira has strengthened Kiyovu with a couple of new signings. (File Photo)

AS Vita pair linked to Kiyovu

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Ferwafa Academy loses friendly tie

An elder takes the participants through Rwandau2019s culture (Courtesy Photo)

National Museum holds cultural evening

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Kamonyi celebrates Kagame’s victory

Aline Gahongaire

Fashion/Style: Always look your best!