
Search Results for "-Ministry-for-Sports" (14085 articles)
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Leaders in Muhanga promise to promote sports

Youth Minister Protais Mitali (R) joins the Bralirwa Managing Director in paying tribute to former employees killed during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi. (Photo J Mbanda).

Bralirwa honours colleagues killed in 1994

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Peace Cup gets underway

Parents can help build their teenagers self-esteem.

Building Self-esteem

Football has incensed so many viewers.

Football madness!

Handcrafts are  protected by the Intellectual Property Law (File Photo)

Artistes root for tough copyright laws

Handcrafts are  protected by the Intellectual Property Law (File Photo)

Artistes root for tough copyright laws

L-R:Alice Umutoni, Hair dresser, Remera;Price Musamaza;Belgine Bizimana;Beula Uwamahoro

What are your Easter memories?

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Rwanda set for C’wealth Youth Games

The New Times

Is Education a Genocide Prevention Tool?

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Police, Rayon clash in PNFL

L-R: Jean Claude Dusabimana; Isaac Tunga

What a great fun holiday!