
Search Results for "-Food-and-Drugs-Authority" (137 articles)
Some of the cows donated to the survivors (Photo S. Rwembeho)

FARG donates cows worth Rwf42m to Genocide survivors

The New Times

Aunt’s corner

Nyirarukundo-Nabbed with  3,000 rolls  of marijuana.

Karongi woman held over drugs

L-R : Every child has a right to improved  education through access to ICT ;TIG has enabled convicts to gain skills that contribute to community development.

Beware of dark angels in our midst

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The double faced illegal jobs

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The double faced illegal jobs

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Nyagatare registers high crime rates in 2009

UNAIDS Country Coordinator Dr. Amadou Mbaye (L) admires a gift from Hon. Lidiana Mafuru Mngu2019ongu2019o   who led the Tanzanian Parliamentarians. (Photo J Mbanda)

TZ MPs exalt Rwanda’s fight against HIV/Aids

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PSF intensifies fight against illicit trade

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Our Other Drug Problem

The New Times

The Hater : I hate people who…

An assorted display of popular energy drinks. Evidence shows that some of these can actually be harmeful.

Energy drinks: Do they work?