
 Pan Butamire
Pan Butamire
The New Times
One man’s vision can set your mind a-wandering
The New Times
Not enough wheat, oil, gas, all, for Africa? It’s a crying shame!
The New Times
What on this Mother-Nature-given earth can halt these wars?
The New Times
Desolate and deathly tsetse-land foretimes, Bugesera is the happening place of the moment
The New Times
Democracy of hiding and leaving the populace to the dogs, may it never be African!
The New Times
Paul Farmer, Joe Ritchie: the demise of Rwandans’ incarnates, family
The New Times
Africans need to objectively shape their own narrative
The New Times
Our government, our hero
The New Times
The world must uphold the wellbeing of every individual
The New Times
Three cheers to the City of Kigali!
The New Times
It’s a long way from “I-and-my-soil” to “We-and-our-land”
The New Times
Taking ten Covid-19 jabs for pay? The long arm of the law awaits thee
The New Times
The world needs only will to solve the vexing migration problem
The New Times
They want us to act on scientific facts yet they work purely for selfish interest
The New Times
Those berating us on democracy, is there no log in your eye?
The New Times
We either swim as a race or we’ll sink as single climate molesters
The New Times
The lamentable, lost lot who long for foreign fathers
The New Times
Tribute to our old mamas and papas who suffered untold tribulations

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