
 Yariv Cohen
Yariv Cohen
Digital divide indicates a binary division of people into the connected and the unconnected, referring simply to the inequalities of technological access and use. / Net photo.
The digital divide is real and sexist
Rwamagana solar power station, an 8.5MW solar power plant is  the fourth-largest economy in the East African Community. / Photo: File.
Bright times ahead: With Africa’s innovation, finance, and renewables leading the way
Investment in the African tech space may have skyrocketed over the past decade, but the proportion going to all-female founding teams has changed very little, and in some countries, has only declined. / Net photo.
African women-founded startups lagging behind in funding opportunities
Nasho solar powered irrigation project in Kirehe District. / Photo: File.
$1.2 trillion needed to disrupt African agriculture through off-grid, renewable solutions
Electricity is crucial for proper education, new businesses, healthcare, and so much more. / Photo: File.
Investors must see 54 countries, not only 1 continent: Africa’s renewable energy sector draws global funding
Despite providing the fastest and most affordable way to electrify hundreds of millions of people, solar off-grid solutions decreased sales and Covid is the main reason. / Photo: File.
2 years into the Covid-19: where would off-grid electrification be if it never arrived?
Solar energy is one prominent solution that is already changing millions of lives in every possible aspect. / Photo: File.
Climate change adaptation or mitigation? Solar energy is doing both
Climate change is having a growing impact on the African continent, hitting the most vulnerable hardest, and contributing to food insecurity, population displacement, and stress on water resources. / Photo: Net photo.
1 week to COP26: Africa’s needs are at the forefront
Researchers claim that the replacing of carbon-intensive energy options in the power and heat sectors will be possible by 2030 and solar energy will lead the transition. / Photo: File.
Two weeks to COP26: Can 100% renewable energy power the world?
The deep sea is full of unknown minerals such as Larbium and Eurithuim, alongside Platinum, Silver, Gold, Nickel, Zinc, and more. / Net photo.
In the green energy race, deep-sea mining is gaining momentum, consequences could be devastating
An 8.5MW solar power plant in Rwamagana District. For the global community, transitioning to a more sustainable energy system is a must. / Photo: File.
Leave no one behind - equitable energy transition is the way to tackle climate change
An artistu2019s concept of a solar power satellite in space. / Net photo.
Solar power from space: solar innovation is establishing a brighter future
Youth technology training in South Africa. / Net photo.
While global tech giants focus on African connectivity, the key ingredient is still missing
A view of a dried maize plantation in a southern Africa region. / Net photo.
The most vulnerable are the first ones to suffer: Global warming’s impact on Africa’s agriculture sector
While the 2008 crisis disrupted the entire business sphere, Covid is seemingly making even bigger waves especially in working places. / Net photo.
It is a new era: A management paradigm tailor-made for the post-Covid workplace
Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson (right) and five crew members successfully traveled to the edge of space in July. / Net photo.
Space tourism is gaining momentum – how is it going to affect the 99% who will remain on earth?
Solar panels in Rwamagana District. The outsurge of projects and budgets allocated to the field substantiate Africau2019s role as a global renewable energy powerhouse. / Photo: File.
Utilising the biggest natural resource of them all: Africa’s 2021 solar boom
A technician connects Gasabo residents to electricity infrastructure. Photo: Craish Bahizi.
Distributed infrastructure provides sustainable alternative to Africa’s rapid urbanisation

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