Employers should respect their obligations

Editor, CONTRARY TO what Mr. Abdallah Murenzi (President of Rayon Sports) asserts, unprofessionalism seems to be fully on the club management’s side.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Editor,CONTRARY TO what Mr. Abdallah Murenzi (President of Rayon Sports) asserts, unprofessionalism seems to be fully on the club management’s side.

Players should not be expected to fulfill their obligations to play and practice, even as clubs fail to honour theirs. If Mr. Murenzi’s perspective is representative of club attitudes around the country, it is no wonder Rwanda’s football is in a sorry shape.It is essential for Rwandan clubs to realise that they, and their players, are in an employment relationship just like any other employers in the country and intermittent and irregular settlement of players’ payments is a serious violation of labour laws.It is astonishing that a mayor would be so unaware of his club’s own breach of the law that he would be admitting this in a national newspaper under the apparent misconception that the irregularity is on the side of the worker!Please respect your obligations before accusing others of failing to respect theirs.Mwene Kalinda, KigaliReaction to the story, "Rayon boss condemns deserters”, (The New Times, November 2)