Passionate Ambassadors split

The dancing stars Passionate Ambassadors from Healing Center Church, Remera have split due to different duties including education.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The dancing stars Passionate Ambassadors from Healing Center Church, Remera have split due to different duties including education.

The group commonly known for their rare dancing strokes has spent time with out public any performance.

"Some of our members are at school both in Uganda and Rwanda, we kind of split in that way but if they come in holidays we hope to resume our performances,” Harriet Namusoke coordinator of the team told The New Times.

Namusoke also pursuing her education at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) said that almost half of their members are at school in secondary schools while others have joined universities.

Formerly known as world changers, detached themselves from their former church Shinning Light Church, Kakinjiro due to internal conflicts.

They had also to change their identity to Passionate Ambassadors because they discovered another ministry in USA had registered the same identity.

"We are planning to partner with many other ministries, it will be a little bit difficult if we started partnering with the ministry that has the same name we have,” Dinar Uwera one of the team leaders said in her speech last year at School of Finance and Banking when explaining why they were changing their name.

Passionate Ambassadors is a group composed of young girls and boys in secondary school that brought together their talents for job creation and developing gifts.

The group dances include Kinyarwanda traditional dance, Zulu dance from South Africa and modern dance that have taken the wave in the western world.
