Mineral certification will break barriers, quash doubts

Two years after the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) established the Mineral Export Certificate, member states have been taking their time on a footing on the certification.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Two years after the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) established the Mineral Export Certificate, member states have been taking their time on a footing on the certification.The idea of a Mineral Export Certificate was mooted as possible solution to regional and international concerns linking illegal mineral trade to violent and armed conflict in the region.Some regional leaders have been falsely accused of pilfering mineral wealth, army generals accused of plundering resources and several other personalities rumoured to be dealing in illicit exploration and trade in the region. Yet there was always a way to snuff out such sentiments and restore credibility. Only that it was not being implemented.This week, Rwanda became the first country in the Great Lakes region to issue a regional certificate for the exportation of minerals. This is no doubt a big leap in the right direction that will boost mineral traceability and transparency.The ideals of authenticity remain the hallmark of integrity. In trade, of whatever nature, it is especially crucial that origins of goods, manufacturers and many such details are embedded on stock being shipped across any borders.For our tumultuous region, there cannot be any more valid reason for certification than this.In this certification, the region has forgery-resistant document with a unique format that identifies a shipment of designated minerals as being in compliance with the requirements of regional standards.Rwanda has set the pace. Regional leaders who endorsed the ICGLR recommendation should not sit back. The Mineral Export Certificate sets the tone for accountability and transparency from the paper tiger talks that we are littered with via the many on-folder-resolutions to implementation.The time to stop Western-orchestrated reports with false accusations begins now.