Can kids help with chores?

My two girls are on holiday and I have to struggle to have them in one place as I do other things like cooking. Is it okay to be strict and tell them to stay away from the kitchen or should I use them to assist me? Edith, Kabeza.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

My two girls are on holiday and I have to struggle to have them in one place as I do other things like cooking. Is it okay to be strict and tell them to stay away from the kitchen or should I use them to assist me? Edith, Kabeza.Dear Edith,I will assume that your daughters are quite young, the playful kind who want to run around the whole house and play from where you can see them. I totally understand that you sometimes need your space to concentrate and do something without having to shout at your daughter to behave themselves or sit down in one place like ‘good girls.’There is actually no need to kick them out of the kitchen. Instead, you should simply invite them to be part of your kitchen magic. They are on holiday and so it is a good idea to use this time to teach them some few skills. Let them do some chores in exchange for getting some playing time.  Children at that age are at their most inquisitive which means they are thirsty for knowledge, instead of chasing them away you could actually teach them a few things about kitchen ware or simple recipes. Make it a point to commend them when they do something right. Above all, teach them about the dangers of playing with kitchen ware especially knives and what first aid measures they can take in case of an accident. Do not forget that the holiday can be a good time for fun learning. Try it and write to us about the results.