Be lenient in the demolition and relocation process
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dear editor,
The on going demolition of the houses in Kiyovu has come with utter shock and surprise for some residents.

Some of the residents ‘claim’ that they were unaware of what was happening and in their absence, there homes were torn down.

I know this is the work of the KCC aimed at making the city look better and develop. However, some degree of leniency should have been deployed in the demolition of these houses.

Some consideration for the residents’ property should have been given. Though the move for demolition has good intentions, the residents too should be properly sensitized to avoid unnecessary complaints.

Other than compensating them, programmes to mentally prepare them for the new area and way of life should be availed.

All these should be put into consideration when thinking of relocating people. Remember these people are being taken from an environment and life they are accustomed to.

Relocating humans is not the same thing as relocating property.