Please put records right

Thank you for your great contribution to our society. The writer is responding to the article published in The New Times on September 12 titled “Religion, prostitutes reject malaria spraying”.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thank you for your great contribution to our society. The writer is responding to the article published in The New Times on September 12 titled "Religion, prostitutes reject malaria spraying”.

Having talked to some of the representative elders of Jehovah witnesses at the headquarters in Remera, they said that the information contained in the article was not given by reliable sources from their office and was wrong.

They said that they had never given any directive to any of their followers to reject the anti-malaria spraying. And those that did so did it on their own and not because of religion.

After interviewing a number of Jehovah witnesses in Rubungo, Gitaraga, Kimironko and Remera, it was found that they all accept the government programme of indoor residual Spraying (IRS).

Some of them have had their houses sprayed, including their leaders and the matter has nothing to do with Jehovah witness as a religion.

I request that prior information not be relied upon in anyway by any person, regarding Jehovah witness as a religion.

Names withheld on request