Delegates welcome Transform Africa Summit

More than 1,500 delegates are taking part in the Transform Africa Summit in Kigali. For some, it’s an opportunity to learn new things about ICT.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Some of the delegates who attended the ICT summit.

More than 1,500 delegates are taking part in the Transform Africa Summit in Kigali. For some, it’s an opportunity to learn new things about ICT. For others, it’s both learning new things and sharing their own technologies. The New Times’ Eugene Kwibuka talks to some of the participants and brings their views to our readers:

Yoon Chul Hwan, delegate from South Korea’s"I think this conference is a great opportunity for Rwanda and Africa in general because ICT is good for communication and education and a source of prosperity even in countries with no resources.”Aimée Albertine Tuyishime, Student at University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology (former KIST)."This summit has given me the opportunity to meet representatives of different companies and I am learning alot from them.”Grace Twamunganyiki, student at University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology (former KIST)."I like the fact that this meeting is sensitising people about the importance of fast internet. Fast internet is going to help many people lead a better life because it will help them to get access to information.”Angeline Shimo, co-owner of Lisa Computing Ltd. "I hope that the summit  will come up with resolutions that support use of ICTs in agriculture which is an important sector for Rwanda because the majority of Rwandans are farmers.”Marc Wetselaar, delegate and exhibitor from Ericsson-South Africa."I like meeting people from local companies. It was great to learn about what kind of innovations they are involved in because somebody needs to put Rwandan content on the network.”Emery Rubagenga, delegate from Rwanda’s mining company, Roka-Rwanda ."The summit is good platform  to sensitise other African countries on ICT issues. I am impressed by the level of different technologies here, especially in mobile cash transfers and the broadband network providers.”