Northern Corridor agenda is a breath of fresh air

Editor,The Integration Projects Summit which took place in Kigali on Monday came as a breath of fresh air in the region’s integration agenda. Bold decisions were taken and a clear road-map laid out.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Cargo trucks drive through a weigh bridge facility at the Gatuna border post. The News Times /File.

Editor,The Integration Projects Summit which took place in Kigali on Monday came as a breath of fresh air in the region’s integration agenda. Bold decisions were taken and a clear road-map laid out.Congratulations to the Presidents of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and South Sudan upon taking this pro-people, decisive route that will heavily pact positively on businesses and livelihoods along the Northern Corridor.Looking at the statement that was read out after the Integration Projects Summit on Monday one can safely conclude that the leaders are now beginning to walk the talk.  What we are observing now is a shared commitment to a common vision and actions that will ultimately benefit the ordinary East Africans. We have no more time to waste; let’s all rise up as one people and work hard for our common destiny.The wider region and Africa, in general, should emulate the four presidents’ visionary leadership in integration matters and work together to offset the bottlenecks to our socio-economic development. However, we should beware of detractors and doubters.  Colonialism destroyed our self-esteem to the extent that we even doubt our capacity to solve our problems.I am among those who are tired of the habit of Africans looking to the west for solutions to African problems. That’s why they will always blackmail and use scarecrows such as the ICC to remind us that we depend on them. Otherwise, how would you justify a situation where a court takes it upon itself to try to hold a nation at ransom by insisting on trying their leaders over cases that can be satisfactorily handled internally?What kind of justice is this that doesn’t respect the will of a sovereign nation? If this is not manifestation of neocolonialism, what is? No, enough is enough!Mungu aibariki Africa! Mungu aibariki Africa ya Mashariki! Mungu awabariki viongozi wetu!Jack, Kacyiru