Conduct thorough assessment of Mutuelle de Santé

Editor, I thank The New Times for raising the red flag over the problems that continue to afflict the mutuelle de santé scheme. People will enroll in mutuelle de santé if they see benefits that come with it and/or if it’s compulsory.

Monday, October 28, 2013


I thank The New Times for raising the red flag over the problems that continue to afflict the mutuelle de santé scheme. People will enroll in mutuelle de santé if they see benefits that come with it and/or if it’s compulsory.

Some questions need to be answered, are people getting value for money. Do facilities have drugs, competent staff, equipment, reagents for tests? etc.

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then people may opt to turn to the private sector for a good service, even if it means paying out of their pockets. As for the coverage rate, Health officials have repeatedly said that all was okay with the scheme; maybe the first step towards fixing these issues is acknowledging them in the first place.

 John, Kigali

Reaction to the story, "Poor mobilisation hampers medical insurance scheme”, (The New Times, October 25)