NUR, please clarify fees amount for medical students

Dear Editor, I would like to thank the management of the National University of Rwanda for their effort towards educating our children.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank the management of the National University of Rwanda for their effort towards educating our children.

I would also like to express my need to officially know the right amount that the medical students should pay. Recently, my son said that the University will increase the amount from the usual sum to approximately one million francs.

I requested my son to find out the amount and let me know so that I can pay.

To my surprise he phoned back and said "the person in charge is also not sure.” He then said they told him to pay Frw550, 000 per year.

Can the university officially announce the new school fees amount for medical students, especially those in first year?

Some of us are very busy and might never find time to travel to the university and clarify, yet our children are not given clear information!
