EAC integration: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda on the right course

Editor,Please allow me to comment on the article, “Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda to launch single customs territory” (The New Times issue of October 24).

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Editor,Please allow me to comment on the article, "Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda to launch single customs territory” (The New Times issue of October 24).If only the other EAC partner states could now jump onto the train, then East Africa would truly be on its development journey together.But if that is impossible for now, better to leave those who are not ready yet to take their time and get on the next train, or the one after.Meanwhile, congratulations to those who are piloting the "East African Express”. May it reach the destination safe and sound with its jubilant passengers in even higher spirits!Mwene Kalinda, Kigali************************* Well done Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya, for truly promoting the East African dream – the dream of one people, one destiny – and is starting to become a reality. To redesign our countries by the will of its own people will give us a bright future.Regarding the idea of members of the Diaspora funding regional development projects, it would be interesting to organise (across the world) an EAC Diaspora event where people can meet, share ideas and raise some funds.Benjamin Sebuseruka, Ireland