Cooperatives are the sure way to success

Dear Editor, I would like to give emphasis to the fact that cooperative societies are a sure way to successful farming in Rwanda.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dear Editor,

I would like to give emphasis to the fact that cooperative societies are a sure way to successful farming in Rwanda.

Rwanda as an agro based economy, which heavily depends on the hard work and endeavours of the farmers. These farmers have a huge role to play since they are part of the economy’s backbone.

However, much help from higher authorities need to be injected into farming projects. The best way to do this is through cooperatives societies. These facilitate the process of production.

A farmer in a cooperative society will sell his produce at a much higher price with more profit as compared to a farmer who is taking all the responsibility of selling his food crops independently.

Other than selling produce, cooperatives are educational centres that enlighten farmers on the best possible ways of farming methods.

Information regarding what crop is selling, how to prevent and treat plant and animal diseases and how to make profits is given.

A good example is how the coffee industry in Rwanda has boomed. This is because of the coffee farmers joining cooperatives and getting first hand information on what steps to take.

Many mistakes are avoided and this is what has made coffee farming a success story.
