MTN gives free Internet to schools

MTN Rwanda, through its charity arm, MTN Foundation, has donated 540 computers to 15 schools country-wide.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

MTN Rwanda, through its charity arm, MTN Foundation, has donated 540 computers to 15 schools country-wide.

The Foundation, launched in February 2010, will also pay for internet connection for schools for a year.

Speaking during the official handover of the computers, Richard Mugisha the board chairman, said that the donation was geared towards supporting the government’s programme of promoting the use of ICT in education.

He added that the computers offer unlimited learning for teachers and students, and urged them to put them to good use.

"With these computers you will be able to access learning materials like any other students in the developed world. Put them to good use as you strive to achieve your objectives,” Mugisha told students and teachers.