Sensitise residents on ID photography, leaders told

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — District leaders have been called upon to sensitise residents about the ongoing exercise on implementing the National ID.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


NGOMA — District leaders have been called upon to sensitise residents about the ongoing exercise on implementing the National ID.

Addressing district officials, security personnel and sector leaders recently Eugène Uwineza, of the National ID photography said leaders have a great role to ensure its success. 

The four-day photography exercise in the district started on Wednesday and it is expected to end on Saturday. About 163,178 of 277,144 residents are expected to be photographed.

Uwineza called for cooperation, and communication among the leaders and photography officials for a smooth exercise. For those who were imprisoned after registering for the IDs, Uwineza said that they would miss the exercise.

"Everyone will have his or her photo taken from where they registered from. This applies even to released prisoners who were registered in prison or students registered from their respective schools. They all have to go back to where they registered from,” Uwineza noted.

He called for those who never registered for the national ID in the first phase to do so in order to have their photos taken in the second phase slated for next month.

Col. Emmanuel Karemera, of RDF in the area, cautioned leaders against demanding money from residents as a requirement for being photographed.

The exercise that started in Bugesera district and Kirehe before coming to Ngoma, will continue to Kayonza, Rwamagana, Gatsibo and Nyagatare in that order before it winds up on August 20, Uwineza said.
