Fish prices skyrocketing in Nyamata

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—Prices of fish in Nyamata market have shot up at Nyamata as supply has dwindled considerably. A New Times mini-survey carried out this week shows prices jumping by 150 per cent since last month’s census.

Friday, September 14, 2007


BUGESERA—Prices of fish in Nyamata market have shot up at Nyamata as supply has dwindled considerably. A New Times mini-survey carried out this week shows prices jumping by 150 per cent since last month’s census.

Dealers attribute price increases to lower supplies from various fishing sites in the district.

"We have to increase prices because we also buy at expensive prices from the fishermen” said Kayitesi, a fish monger.

Those found bargaining for reduced prices said the fish mongers were taking advantage of the absence of meat on the market in town to over charge them.

It now requires between Frw1000 and Frw1200 to get a bundle containing eight fish the size of a palm, which used to cost Frw700 while the price of Tilapia weighing about one kilogramme has more than doubled to Frw1500.

The scarcity of meat in Nyamata town is still experienced following the closure of the town’s only abattoir due to poor hygiene and many restaurateurs say they have conditionally been forced to scrap meat off their menu.
