KCC conduct collective process evaluation

The executive of Kigali City Council recently met and discussed many issues with the city residents, during an occasion organised by KCC at its headquarters in Nyarugenge.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The executive of Kigali City Council recently met and discussed many issues with the city residents, during an occasion organised by KCC at its headquarters in Nyarugenge.

The meeting was in order for KCC to share with the residents the progress realized and challenges experienced in implementing programmes undertaken within the past six months.

Among the accomplished tasks, according to Kigali City Vice mayor Dieudonne Rumaragishyika, are; construction of  various new roads, reinforcement of cleanliness and sanitation, formation and promotion of cooperatives, supporting of vulnerable groups like widows, orphans and street children, restructuring of Kigali City into a modern city, among others.

"We have managed to accomplish many plans we had set; roads have been constructed, completion of the city master plan, construction of public toilets and embarking on the city modernization drive, though we have encountered some challenges and controversies, we have objectively moved on as planned,” said the vice mayor.

During the meeting, KCC executive secretary David Nyanshaija, urged all Kigali residents to continue supporting KCC in its programmes. He advised them to refrain from acts that are contrary to the authorised city plans and guidelines, for instance constructing structures in unauthorised places, a practice that has resulted into those people losing their structures.

Among other things done by KCC within the past six months, is eliminating exploitative business practises, like the one regarding Abadehemuka Cooperative, where 13 board members were arrested by police over alleged irregularities in trading of locally produced foodstuffs, leading to its stoppage.

Security has been also boosted in the city, courtesy of the instituted community policing and grassroot security programmes (Irondo), and coordination of other security systems in collaboration with the police. 

Among the concerns raised by the residents included the issue of some dangerous roads that have caused many accidents like the Kigali-Bugesera road. They proposed urgent measures to curb the threat.

On the issue of land scarcity visa avis settlement constructions, the residents proposed a vertical progression format of construction through building flats as opposed to the horizontal which takes a lot of land.

About the grumbling kiosk owners who also recently dragged KCC to courts of law, the vice mayor responded that the council notified them earlier but they did not comply, so the council had to take action.

"Kiosks are by virtue of reality temporally structures. When time comes for other bigger programmes they have to be removed. We told them in time but they did not comply.

Dragging us to court is not the best step to take; instead they should come to a round table with us and we discuss,” said the vice mayor.

Among the challenges faced by KCC in the last six months period of implementing their programmes, the Vice Mayor mentioned a limited budget that has hindered completion of some developments, rising of prices of logistics and low sensitisation of people about their programmes, guidelines and plans like the Kigali master plan.

He, however, said they have plans of making it (master plan) clearer to people.
