Food security: Are we really on the right track?

Editor,Please allow me to comment on the article, “We are on the right track; we just have to stay the course”, by Agnes Kalibata, the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources in The New Times issue of October 19.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Editor,Please allow me to comment on the article, "We are on the right track; we just have to stay the course”, by Agnes Kalibata, the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources in The New Times issue of October 19.I think it’s about time we started practicing the politics of telling the truth and admit to the mistakes that we might have committed. Food prices skyrocket every hour and I expected the minister to address the issue in order to look for remedy.. You go to the market today and get surprised tomorrow to find that prices have doubled.With efficient mechanisms in place, you can easily reverse the trend.The minister should probably  start by addressing the issue of spoiled seeds that her ministry gave to farmers. They are now worried that they could be faced with unproductive season.I still don’t grasp how the ministry dared to give those seeds without a thorough check. This is an issue that needs urgent redress.Mutara Intore, Kigali