Rwanda begins exploring for gold

GICUMBI - The search for gold in Rwanda has started in Gicumbi District in the Northern Province, by TransAfrika Resources, an international exploration company.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

GICUMBI - The search for gold in Rwanda has started in Gicumbi District in the Northern Province, by TransAfrika Resources, an international exploration company.

The search for gold veins began on Friday in Rutare sector deep in Gicumbi.

This follows positive soil samples indicating a high gold value there, after government issued an exploration permit to TransAfrika in November last year.

Loaw Van Schalkwyk, the Technical Director of TransAfrika, explained that 7000 soil samples on 230 kilometres of the district land was examined in ALS-Chemex Laboratory of South Africa.

"A total of 400 samples had high gold value according to the laboratory analysis and now we are searching for the gold vein,” he continued.

Schalkwyk said: "The sampling paved way for exploration through drilling to trace for the gold veins.”

"Basing on the samples and reputable history of the area, we are confident we shall find the veins by October,” he added.

Prof. Munyanganizi Bikoro, State Minister for Environment, Water and Mines said that this was a landmark in the search for the country’s treasures.

"While they explore gold, they might come across other minerals that are all of great importance to us as a country,” Prof. Munyanganizi said.

The minister further said that if they found any mineral other than gold, they could apply to mine it, or government may invite other companies to do so.

He also explained that the company will file a report on the findings before or after their four-year permit expires depending on the exploration results.

TransAfrika is a gold-focused exploration, development and mining company with highly prospective exploration projects in Rwanda, Mauritania and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The company secured two exploration permits in the country covering a total area of approximately 970.9 square kilometers. These are located in the North (Gicumbi) and in the South-West (Rusizi) of the country.

According to Edward Mills, the Project Manager of TransAfrika, the South-West will be explored next month. The company will also search for nickel in Kirehe and Kayonza in Eastern Province.

The potential for significant mineral deposits in Rwanda is evidenced by the extensive alluvial mining that has been conducted by locals for centuries.
