Let’s tackle the underlying causes of domestic violence

Police in Ngoma District last week arrested a woman for allegedly killing her 34-year-old husband following a domestic dispute.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Police in Ngoma District last week arrested a woman for allegedly killing her 34-year-old husband following a domestic dispute.It is alleged that the suspect hit her husband with a wooden club on the head, heavily wounding him. The victim and the suspect according to area residents, were alcoholics, and the duo frequently quarreled.Domestic violence is a cancer in communities which should not be allowed to eat into the fabric of society.  Any form of domestic violence should not be justified whatever the underlying cause.Rwanda has gender sensitive policies and laws which leaders at all  levels, should utilise to stamp out this problem from homes. The laws against domestic violence are comprehensive, but the act continues to happen in our communities.  There is even a possibility that many cases are not reported to police.Research shows that many women have experienced  physical and emotional stress as a result of domestic violence.  We need to address all the factors which may perpetuate violence. There is also need to sensitise people on why there is no justification for domestic violence.The sensitisation should begin with households. The members in any given home should know  that violence is a human rights violation and punishable under the law.According to studies, whereas men are driven into homicide by anger, for women its extreme depression which is caused by a mixture of psychological and stressful or traumatic events, which build up over a period of time. We should try to address issues which may lead one to kill a loved one. Local leaders and communities should be sensitised on the possible signs to detect severe depression, which especially affects women so that they can be helped in time to resolve issue without resorting to violence.