Residents join RPF political party

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — At least 78 residents of Nyabitekeri Sector, Nyamasheke district, over the weekend joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) party.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


NYAMASHEKE — At least 78 residents of Nyabitekeri Sector, Nyamasheke district, over the weekend joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) party.

The new members declared their allegiance during the party’s bonding fete that took place in Muyange cell.

"Today we have registered 78 new members in Nyabitekeri sector. They have been sworn in by their fellow party members at the sector offices,” said Maurice Bayingana, the area party chairman.

Vincent Kwizera, one of the new converts said their decision was motivated by the role played by the party to end the 1994 Genocide.

"I am glad to have joined RPF party. It ushered in peace which paved way for all the good things we are now enjoying. I am determined to help the party in rebuilding our nation,” he said.

Speaking as chief guest, MP Esperance Mwiza observed that the RPF had fought hard against racial and ethnic discrimination among Rwandans and urged residents to desist from divisionism.

She outlined several achievements attained by the ruling party including security, good governance, justice, education, and stabilising the economy, among other things.

Mwiza urged party members to encourage area residents to embrace government development programmes.

By embracing economic revolution, she said, farmers can increase their agricultural production to feed a wider market.

The legislator also appealed to the audience to elect members who can foster development in the forthcoming elections.

"As you know our nation has acquired credible democratic credentials. But I encourage you to maintain this credibility by ensuring free and fair elections in the region,” she said.
