Save the Children offers motorcycles

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Save the Children, a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that promotes child rights has donated three Yamaha motorcycles to officials in Gicumbi district.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


GICUMBI — Save the Children, a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that promotes child rights has donated three Yamaha motorcycles to officials in Gicumbi district.

The property that practically remain the property of the NGO, were given to Child Protection Committees of Kageyo, Mutete and Rubaya Sectors.

Presiding over the hand over ceremony, district vice Mayor for social affairs, Eugenie Uwamahoro, advised the recipients to utilize the facilities well in order to protect abuse of children rights.

"These motorcycles should be used to monitor and advocate for children rights to education and parental care within your sectors,” said Uwamahoro.

Jacqueline Uwumukiza, the area project coordinator said the beneficiaries will be required to submit reports on the status of the motorcycles to Save the Children after every two months.

"After a period of one year Save the Children will start to provide fuel and maintenance of the motorcycles,” said Uwumukiza.

The facilities were given out after a memorandum of understanding between Save the Children and Sector Executive Secretaries who are the beneficiaries and the chairpersons of Child Protection Committees.

The motorbikes are in addition to 109 bicycles donated last year by the same Ngo, to officials in charge of social affairs in every Cell of Gicumbi.
