Follow Mandela’s example of leadership

Dear editor, The leadership of ‘some’ African leaders, is more like a slur to that of Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela who is now considered an African legend showed the best model of leadership.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear editor,

The leadership of ‘some’ African leaders, is more like a slur to that of Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela who is now considered an African legend showed the best model of leadership.

Though he was jailed and kept in prison for 27 years, he was able to liberate his people after he was freed, just because he stood and fought for their rights. His rule was not characterized by corruption and inconsistency.

He was democratically elected and even after his term of office, he did not fight like Mugabe to remain in power. African leaders should reach a point when they stop wars and political instabilities that have engrossed the continent.

There is no reason as to why people have to suffer in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Somalia just to mention a few.
