Archbishop Kolini is right

Dear editor, The currently ongoing Anglican Lambeth conference at Canterbury is a disgrace to the world. The issues under discussion especially pertaining gay rights seem to be raising a lot of debate.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear editor,

The currently ongoing Anglican Lambeth conference at Canterbury is a disgrace to the world. The issues under discussion especially pertaining gay rights seem to be raising a lot of debate.

The refusal of the African church leaders to attend this conference is right and proper. The African church should not allow itself to be corrupted by the inconceivable ways of the European church.

The head of the Anglican Church Rowan Williams needs to revise the vows he made when he swore to take up the role of shepherding the world’s Anglicans.

If truly the beliefs of the Anglican Church are based on the Biblical principles, wasting time and debating on incorporating gay rights into the church, would not be an issue of much controversy.

When archbishop Kolini of Rwanda and other African church leaders refuse to attend such a confused meeting, it depicts a sense of moral respectability and decency in the African church.

Just like before the dark ages, the so called ‘church’ was corrupted and pagan practices were incorporated into the true Christian way of life. This occurred just before they were persecuted for the true Christian beliefs.

However, today with the moral degradation of the world’s people, extra precaution has to be taken to avoid turmoil and disorganization in the church which is already losing its stand.

I just want to encourage the church leaders especially those in Africa to remain role models of the people they lead.

Through their exemplary ways maybe the European Anglican Church will see some light on the gay rights issue and come back to reality because it looks like they are living in a deluded world.

A morally upright society will always depict the integrity and worthiness of the populace.
