Stoning as a form of punishment should stop

Dear editor, Some forms of punishment are inappropriate. The Sharia law for example, which uses stoning until death as punishment, is just beyond human comprehension.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear editor,

Some forms of punishment are inappropriate. The Sharia law for example, which uses stoning until death as punishment, is just beyond human comprehension.

The case of Iran where people accused of immoral acts such as adultery, fornication and incest are stoned to death, is unacceptable.

These laws should be revised because as a human being there are always mistakes made that can be stopped. Some one who does wrong should always be given a second chance.

No human being is beyond correction and there is always room for change. People should not be put to death for such crimes since those who execute them have also fallen prey to other crimes.

Just like Jesus said "let him who has no sin cast the first stone.” The Jews who wanted to stone the adulterous woman had to let go because none was sinless.

The same applies to the people of Iran who are still stoning people to death in this day and age.
