Will ICC, Security Council heed the demands of African Union?

Editor,I wish to respond to the article, “AU seeks Security Council backing to defer ICC trials”, published in the Sunday Times on October 13.

Monday, October 14, 2013
ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda (C), and her Prosecution team. Net photo.

Editor,I wish to respond to the article, "AU seeks Security Council backing to defer ICC trials”, published in the Sunday Times on October 13.Without a credible threat of serious consequences should both the UNSC and/or the ICC refuse to heed the AU request to defer cases against sitting Africans heads of state and government or other high state officers, I very much doubt that this démarche will get much traction in those quarters.Africa as usual will continue to be taken for granted and its leaders treated like so many village headmen of no consequence.Neither the West nor their faithful retainers at the ICC could care a whit whether their actions undermine Kenya’s sovereignty, stability and peace. Their more important goal is to build up the credibility of the ICC as a potent weapon they intend to use against indocile Africans.I am extremely astounded African leaders still don’t seem to have fully grasped the reality of the role Western powers have assigned to them in the ICC era: obey our dictates or be hounded into impotence through our pseudo-court.Oh, when will African leaders understand that trying to be reasonable with people who want to return you under the kiboko (whip) is a losing proposition?There is no civilised way of fending off those determined to remain in the saddle on your back by whatever means necessary.Mwene Kalinda, Kigali, Rwanda