Police hold woman over dead baby

WESTERN PROVINCE Police at Kibuye Police station has arrested a woman for allegedly killing her two-day old baby. The police say Savera Jeannette, a resident of Bwishyura Sector, strangled her baby last week at her residence at about bout 1:00Am, a crime she denies.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Police at Kibuye Police station has arrested a woman for allegedly killing her two-day old baby. The police say Savera Jeannette, a resident of Bwishyura Sector, strangled her baby last week at her residence at about bout 1:00Am, a crime she denies.

"If at all I wanted to kill the baby I would have aborted,” she said.

Sources say that she had tried to abort several times but in vain, the reason they suspect she killed it. She has no other child. Medical examinations confirm that the baby was strangled.

"All evidence shows that the baby’s neck was strangled,” said a medical official at Kibuye Hospital.

Other family members have also given information implicating her in the death of the child. Her younger sister, Julienne Uwamahoro, who was staying with her, says Savera is responsible for the death of the baby.

Uwamahoro alleges that on the day of the incident, Savera asked her to sleep in a different room yet they had always shared one.

"I was curious about what she was going to do so I stayed awake, at about 1.00 am I heard the baby crying and after a few minutes, Savera came to me telling me it had passed away,” said Uwamahoro. She added that her sister had always expressed uncertainty on whether she would bring up the child.
