Red Cross in self-financing drive

For years, the Rwanda Red Cross has been relying on external donations to finance its activities. It is estimated that about 90 per cent of the humanitarian organisation’s annual budget comes from donors while its members raised the balance.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

For years, the Rwanda Red Cross has been relying on external donations to finance its activities. It is estimated that about 90 per cent of the humanitarian organisation’s annual budget comes from donors while its members raised the balance.But that is set to change after the RRC started a campaign which seeks to involve its members in financing its activities.While speaking in Nyamagabe District on Monday, RRC president Bernard Nzigiye said the institution is working towards becoming a self-sustaining entity.Nzigiye noted that they plan to mobilise their members throughout the country to start contributing some money towards the organisation’s activities. That, he said, would allow it to finance its national budget without entirely relying on the external funders."We have achieved a lot of things as an organisation. But the fact is that we have been reliant on external aid for a long time,” Nzigiye said during a public open day to showcase RRC’s activities and achievements in the district. "We want that to change.”Nzigiye said they intend to raise the money through members’ annual contributions and increasing the number of RRC members.Members have been contributing Rwf500 annually but the cost of membership cards is set to increase to Rwf6,500 per year, while some willing members will purchase cards worth Rwf50,000 and above.The organisation is also planning to build a commercial complex in the City of Kigali to help it raise money for its humanitarian activities.