Kigali’s public transport system still far from ideal

Editor,This is with reference to the piece, “A new dawn in Kigali’s public transport”, by Fidèle Ndayisaba, the City of Kigali mayor (The New Times, October 1).

Sunday, October 06, 2013
Public transport system in the City of Kigali is undergoing restructuring. The New Times / File.

Editor,This is with reference to the piece, "A new dawn in Kigali’s public transport”, by Fidèle Ndayisaba, the City of Kigali mayor (The New Times, October 1).Indeed the idea (to reform public transport) itself is good and it would benefit us all if implemented well.Nonetheless, I think that authorities might have rushed to overhaul the transport system within the city without considering the timing of the decision.Contrary to the proclaimed intentions, the waiting time (at bus stops) has doubled, if not tripled, and it’s not uncommon to see passengers packed in a bus even between the lanes of the bus.This situation comes with its own risks including possible loss of valuable items as unseated passengers scramble to hold onto anything for support and accidents.Is this the kind of modernisation city leaders promised? Why not get bigger and better buses which can not only ensure comfort for passengers but also help deliver the kind of transport system officials envision? Surely, we deserve better!Tharcisse, Kigali