The Rwandan spirit will get it through

While presiding over the swearing-in of the new Parliament on Friday, President Paul Kagame revealed the secret behind the country’s success; its unwavering spirit of resilience in the face of adversity. No matter what one throws at it, Rwanda has always found a way to resist and come out stronger than before and carry on with its journey. So, the latest attempts to blame the country for all the ills – perceived or not – that have plagued Congo will not dent its armour. As has been the case several times in the past, whenever the sailing is smooth in Rwanda, some professional spoilers show their head, equipped with the most far-fetched allegations. 

Sunday, October 06, 2013

While presiding over the swearing-in of the new Parliament on Friday, President Paul Kagame revealed the secret behind the country’s success; its unwavering spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

No matter what one throws at it, Rwanda has always found a way to resist and come out stronger than before and carry on with its journey. So, the latest attempts to blame the country for all the ills – perceived or not – that have plagued Congo will not dent its armour.

As has been the case several times in the past, whenever the sailing is smooth in Rwanda, some professional spoilers show their head, equipped with the most far-fetched allegations. 

The accusations themselves would remain just that; mere accusations, but they take a very worrying turn when seemingly right thinking quarters begin to believe them and base their policies on the fallacies.

But as the President rightly pointed out, Rwandans have passed through fire and brimstones and survived the onslaught. They have always managed to pick up the pieces and concentrate on what is in their best interests; developing their country. 

The country will never bow down to anyone’s will or whims; it will never again be led down the gallows sheepishly because they believe their fate is in their hands.

What they have achieved so far is the fruit of their labour and no amount of hurdles thrown their way will stop their journey to self determination, that is what the President was referring to; the Rwandan spirit.