Kayizari roots for stronger Rwanda-Turkey ties

Rwanda’s first ambassador to Turkey, Caesar Kayizari yesterday presented his Letters of Credence to Turkish President Abdullah Gül at the Presidential Palace in Ankara.

Thursday, October 03, 2013
Kayizari presents his Letters of Credence to Turkish President Gu00fcl yesterday. The New Times/Courtsey.

Rwanda’s first ambassador to Turkey, Caesar Kayizari yesterday presented his Letters of Credence to Turkish President Abdullah Gül at the Presidential Palace in Ankara.According to a statement from the Rwandan mission in Ankara, Kayizari stressed the importance of the enhanced relations between the two countries to Rwanda, which has steadily grown over the past three years."Ambassador Kayizari referred to two visits by President Paul Kagame to Turkey for business meetings and  the visit by the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister to Rwanda that was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement,” reads the statement. During the meeting, Kayizari also recognised the importance of a growing number of Turkish investments  in Rwanda, as well as flights to Kigali by Turkish Airline. Kayizari was appointed envoy to Turkey in February.