Drive to promote TVET kicks off

Global communities has started a drive to encourage the youth to study technical and vocational courses “because they equip learners with skills required by the job market”.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Global communities has started a drive to encourage the youth to study technical and vocational courses "because they equip learners with skills required by the job market”. The campaign that is being sponsored by USAID will be conducted in partnership with the Workforce Development Authority and the Private Sector Federation. It will focus on creating awareness about the value of technical and vocational education.Milton Funes, the Global Communities (formerly CHF International) country director, said the three-month sensitisation campaign will aim at aligning their activities with the government programmes, especially those that support the second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy.He added that vocational training is important because it equips Rwandan youth with skills to start their own enterprises or get easily absorbed into the job market.He pointed out that Global Communities has so far sponsored over 2,500 youths to undertake vocational and technical courses and plans to support 3,000 this fiscal year. According to partnership deals signed between the three organisations, the PSF will organise a TVET expo slated for late November, while the Workforce Development Authority and Global Communities will focus on other areas of the campaign, including holding a symposium that will attract different stakeholders.